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Junior Clubs


England Netball's Club Action Planning Scheme or CAPS - Junior Club accreditation scheme - is currently suspended pending the launch of a new accreditation scheme.


There are a number of Junior Clubs throughout Berkshire.who were previously accredited under

England Netball's CAPS scheme.  Contact details are as follows:




Club Action Planning Scheme (CAPS)

CAPS is aligned to the Sport England Clubmark accreditation scheme which is the only national

cross sports quality accreditation scheme for clubs with junior sections. It is built around a set of

core criteria which ensure that accredited clubs operate to a set of consistent, accepted and

adopted minimum operating standards.


Clubs achieving this accreditation are recognised nationally as having a well-run club which

is ACTIVE and ACCESSIBLE. This means getting the best out of young people and giving everyone

a sporting chance.


CAPS has three levels of accreditation Bronze, Silver and Gold:


Bronze CAPS is the first level, incorporating the Clubmark criteria and covers the areas of safeguarding and protecting children, quality coaching and officiating, equal opportunities and good management. Bronze must be achieved before Silver or Gold.


Silver and Gold CAPS is about demonstrating further quality across the areas of coaching, officiating,

and developing volunteers. Clubs achieving Silver or Gold are demonstrating that they have met

the minimum operating standards required for Clubmark but have also demonstrated a

further commitment to ensuring a club environment which provides a higher quality of

coaching, leadership and volunteer opportunities for young people.



Senior Clubs


For more information, please see the list of Senior Leagues page.

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